Welcome to my web site! |
I have always wanted my own web site. Thank you so much for visiting! I created this site to share a little bit about me and my new hobby, stamping. I am not a career stamper. I'm not even a hobby stamper. I call myself a "social stamper" because the thing I enjoy most about stamping is the parties, along with meeting and getting to know other stampers. And I am addicted to swapping, both as a participant and a hostess. I created this site to serve as a central point of information for my swaps, so I'm not repeating the many details over and over.
You will find a complete list of standard swap rules and tips for the new hostess, as well as details specific to each of my swaps. New to this site is a card gallery for each swap.
Feel free to contact me with any comments or questions about swapping. I love to get mail! Also contact me if you (or someone you know) are interested in joining any of my open swaps.
I hope you enjoy your visit to my website!
Angie Madsen |
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Special 15th Anniversary Celebration
Current Open Swaps
Cards from Swaps I've Hosted
Tender Toile HAS
March 2003 Anything Goes
Dreams & Dragons
Cards from Swaps I've Participated In
Betty Brotzman's Coordinating Wheels and Sets
Cards from Robyn Fender's Catalog Tour
#5 - From the Heart, Spring & Easter
#6 - Borders and Backgrounds
#7 - Fabulous Florals, Garden Gatherings
#8 - Summertime, Nature, Animals
#9 - Invitations & Celebrations, Warm & Wonderful, Inspirational
#10 - Sports, Growing Up